St. Raphael Portuense

Useful information


St. Raphael Portuense

Via Bernardino Ramazzini, 45 - 00151 - Rome

Centralino: 06 6568 7100
Hours 8:00 a.m. / 6:00 p.m.
URP: 06 6568 7153
Tuesday: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. and Thursday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.


Uff. Accettazione: 06 6568 7108
Uff. Ricoveri: Ordinary hospitalization: 06 6568 7108

Day hospital and outpatient reservations:06 6568 7101

Neuromotor Day Hospital:06 6568 7101

Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00 – 13:30 | 14:30 – 16:00 | Saturday: 9:00 – 12:00
Servizio Assistenza Sociale: 06 6568 7153
Tuesday: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. and Thursday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.



Dir. of Health 0665687100

RECOVERY OFFICE/Day Hospital 0665687101

Electronic fax 0652255568



Visitor entrance: Monday – Saturday: 16:00 – 17:30 | Sunday: 10:30 – 11:30 | 16:00 – 17:30


Holy Mass is celebrated every Sunday at 10:00 am.

The chaplain is present at the facility every Monday at 11:00 am.

How to Reach Us

The San Raffaele Portuense Nursing Home is located between Via Portuense and the Gianicolense ring road, in the western part of the Capital. The entire area is served by the following public transportation.

  • BUS line H: from Piazza della Repubblica go to Repubblica stop, take line H for 8 stops, get off at Gianicolense – San Camillo stop, continue with line 719.
  • BUS Line 719: from Piazzale Partigiani go to Cave Ardeatine stop and take line 719 for 15 stops, get off at Forlanini stop continue walking for 200
  • Streetcar : line 8 from Piazza Venezia get off at Gianicolense-San Camillo stop continue with line 719.
  • Metro train: stop at Trastevere station and continue with Bus lines 719, 773 and 786.
  • Train: stop at Termini station take line B to Piramide stop continue with line 719.


St. Raphael Portuense offers inpatient and day-hospital care.



Contact the intake office:
tel. 06 65687108 (ordinary hospitalization)
tel. 0665687101 (DH hospitalization)
fax 06 52255568

Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 1:30 pm | 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

You can acquire the admission form directly from here.

Download the unique transfer request form*.



Applications for access to ordinary hospitalization should include:

  1. The completion by the hospital department physician of the UNIQUE Admission Proposal Form available in the Admission Office or downloadable from the Facility’s website, complete with signature, physician’s stamp and no. department telephone.
  2. Delivery of the above documents to the Acceptance office by electronic fax (0652255568) or to the following email address
  3. Evaluation and favorable opinion by the Facility Physician-in-Charge , which may be on the basis of documentation alone or after in-depth discussion with the home department on clinical conditions;
  4. Direct placement in the course of treatment or on a waiting list if available places are currently filled.


HOME-BORN USERS (only for access to the day hospital department).



The DH activity, complementary to ordinary hospitalization, allows the Patient to carry out the course of treatment he or she needs through multiweek accesses to the Facility.

Applications for access should include:

  1. The completion by the General Practitioner or Public Specialist (Orthopedist, Physiatrist or Neurologist) of the UNIQUE Inpatient Proposal Form available at the Admission Office or downloadable from the Facility’s website, together with the prescription binding both complete with the physician’s signature, stamp and telephone number.
  2. The delivery of the above documentation to the Day Hospital Admission office via direct access or by fax (0652255568)
  3. The evaluation and favorable opinion by the Medical Officer in charge of the Facility’s Day Hospital , which may be on the basis of documentation alone or after an examination to ascertain the clinical condition;
  4. Direct placement in the course of treatment or on a waiting list if available places are currently filled.



The waiting list is based on requests from Hospital Sanitarians and residual cases from home for specific diseases.

The Facility’s commitment is to ensure the most appropriate care for the Patient in accordance with the criteria established by Regional Norms and, in line with the criteria of transparency, according to the order in which admission requests are submitted and the clinical priority established by the Facility’s physicians.

The assessment of the Patient’s eligibility for the Facility is made in 24/28 hours. The response to requests made by the Sanitarians of acute care hospitals within a range of 1 to 5 days, depending on the availability of beds


Documents required for acceptance

Whether coming from another Health Facility or directly from home, upon admission theUser must bring with him/her:

  • Identity Document
  • Health card, issued by the local health authority to which you belong
  • Tax Code
  • Clinical documentation including previous admissions to other hospitals and copies of recent examinations
  • Discharge letter (if from another health care facility)
  • Commitment for admission from the attending physician (in case it comes from home)



  • Personal care and hygiene necessities
  • towels, linens, pajamas/nightgowns/bathrobe
  • tracksuit and sneakers
  • closed back slippers



The Facility has the following paid hotel services for any need:

  • Bar (daily from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.)
  • TV and Wi-fi
  • Hairdresser/pedicure (upon request)
  • Laundry (upon request)
  • Single rooms equipped with telephone, TV, wi-fi and laundry service
  • Suite consisting of large living room with balcony, bedroom with bathroom equipped with whirlpool tub