Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and multiple sclerosis, progressively impair cognitive and motor functions, significantly impacting the quality of life of affected individuals and their families. Home-based neurological rehabilitation offers a promising approach to managing these debilitating conditions by providing therapies in the patient’s familiar environment. This modality not only improves accessibility and adherence to treatment regimens but also ensures continuous and personalized care tailored to the patient’s evolving needs.
Home rehabilitation programs are designed around the basic principles of neuroplasticity, which take advantage of the brain’s innate ability to reorganize and form new neural connections in response to learning and experience. Therapies often include cognitive rehabilitation to slow the progression of memory decline, physical therapy to address motor deficits, and occupational therapy to improve daily living skills. Integration of telemedicine technologies plays a crucial role, enabling real-time monitoring and adaptation of treatment programs by healthcare professionals.
Key benefits of home-based neurological rehabilitation include maintaining independence for longer periods, reducing hospital visits and associated health care costs, and improving patients’ general well-being and mental health through personalized and compassionate care. This model of care not only aligns with patient preferences for home environments but also contributes significantly to sustainable health care practices by integrating innovative, patient-centered care strategies.

Main neurological diseases treated:
- Ischemic and/or hemorrhagic cerebral stroke
- Neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Parkinson’s disease, atypical parkinsonisms and rare diseases, m Alzheimer’s disease, and dementias)
- Inflammatory diseases of the CNS and SNP (e.g., encephalitis, polyradicolonevritis)
- Autoimmune or dysimmune diseases (e.g., multiple sclerosis )
- Excised neoplastic diseases of the Central or Peripheral Nervous System
- Head trauma
Main orthopedic conditions treated:
- Skeletal fractures and polytrauma
- Hip, knee, shoulder and elbow arthroplasty
- Ligament reconstruction , tenorrhaphy, elective arthroscopic surgeries
- Limb amputations
- Pathologies and interventions of the spine
Our Units have gained several decades of experience in the following rehabilitation techniques and treatments:
- Robotic Therapy for upper and lower limb, stabilometric and proprioceptive training, gait robots for adults and children, Virtual Reality (treatments available only in the office)
- Standard and state-of-the-art physical therapy (e.g., HP Laser, Humantecar, Vibrational Energy)
- Physiotherapy with classical and innovative neurorehabilitation techniques (e.g.. Kabat, Bobath, Perfect), postural re-education
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Cognitive Therapy and Psychotherapy
- Nursing and auxiliary care
- Assistance of Orthopedic Technician for home reintegration with study and design of solutions to overcome architectural barriers
- Social worker for adapted patient reintegration and family support