Specialist Pneumological Examination

What is

A pulmonological examination is performed to rule out, diagnose, or control a disorder affecting the bronchi and lungs. The examination is performed by the physician who specializes in penumology, that is, the study and treatment of diseases affecting the respiratory system. Patients with already known pathology (who make a follow-up) and patients invited by their primary care physician to see a pulmonologist undergo this examination in order to ascertain the nature of certain symptoms, such as chest tightness, difficulty in breathing, wheezing at rest, persistent cough, prolonged expectorations and/or with traces of blood, chest pain, and sleep apnea.

How it takes place

The first phase of the pulmonary examination consists of the specialist’s medical history assessment of the patient: this consists of gathering information to be provided by the patient regarding diet, smoking habit, alcohol consumption, level of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle , type of work performed, medication intake, other family cases of respiratory problems. In addition, the physician, at this stage, will review all documentation about any examinations previously performed by the patient. In the second stage, the actual examination is performed: the pulmonologist will perform auscultation of the lungs using the stethoscope; based on the findings of the examination, a diagnosis will be made and the appropriate treatment will be prescribed. à However, it is possible that the patient may be asked to perform other tests, such as spirometry, blood gas analysis, sputum culture test, and chest X-rays, to gather more information.

The pulmonological examination is useful to diagnose, or rule out, whether there is any disease affecting the respiratory system and to find, if possible, the most appropriate therapy for the patient. Those with known pathology can also undergo the examination so as to monitor the pathological course.

Exam Preparation

On the day of the examination, the patient is advised to bring all reports of examinations performed at the request of his or her attending physician and documentation regarding the pulmonological problem. Those undergoing the pulmonary examination do not have to follow specific preparation rules.

