Doctors > Fierro Valentina

Fierro Valentina

Dr. Valentina Fierro is an endocrinologist at San Raffaele Termini Outpatient Clinic.

In 2000, he obtained a degree in Medicine with a grade of 110/110 cum laude by discussing an experimental thesis entitled: “Relationships between leptin and steroidogenesis in obese adult males” at the University of Studies “Sapienza “in Rome.

In December 2000, he obtained the Diploma of Qualification to practice as a Medical Surgeon, at the University of Studies “Sapienza” in Rome.

In 2001 he joined the Provincial Order of Physicians-Surgeons and Dentists of Rome.

In 2005, he obtained his specialization in “Endocrinology and Exchange Diseases” with a score of 70/70 cum laude at the I School of Specialization of “Sapienza” University of Rome (Director Prof. Aldo Isidori), discussing an experimental thesis entitled: “Randomized, placebo-controlled study on the efficacy of testosterone therapy in hypogonadal patients with erectile dysfunction.”

In 2008, he obtained a Ph.D. degree in “Endocrinological, Metabolic and Andrological Sciences” from “Sapienza” University of Rome, Department of Medical Pathophysiology, Policlinico Umberto I, coordinator Prof. Franco Dondero.

From May 2006 to October 2008, he is a research fellow at the Department of Health Sciences – Laboratory of Endocrine Research (Director Prof. Luigi Di Luigi) at the University of Rome “Foro Italico,” with a project titled: “Endogenous testosterone in the adult-adult male practicing motor and/or sports activities: prevalence of sub-clinical hypogonadism, pathophysiology and treatment.”

Specialist in

  • Endocrinology and metabolic diseases



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