Doctors > Pierallini Alberto
Researchers > Pierallini Alberto

Pierallini Alberto

Registered as an ordinary member of the Italian Society of Medical Radiology and the Italian Association of Neuroradiology, radiologist Alberto Pierallini in 1995 served on the organizing committee of the National Congress of the Italian Association of Neuroradiology.

1986: Bachelor’s degree in Medicine and Surgery with 110 cum laude University of Rome “La Sapienza”
1991: Specialization Diploma in Radiology University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
From 1990 to 2005 University “La Sapienza of Rome first as Technical Officer then as Confirmed University Researcher.
From 2005 to the present on leave from the role of university professor, he assumed the position of director of the Imaging Diagnostic Service at IRCCS San Raffaele in Rome.
Extensive and documented research activity over 150 publications in national and international journals and abstracts of conference participation and 4 book chapters.
Extensive teaching activities: he has been the holder of the teaching of Neuroradiology, in the area of Diseases of the Nervous System, I semester of the 5th year of the Specialist Degree “B”, I Faculty of Medicine, University of Rome “la Sapienza” and of numerous teaching courses at various specialization schools (Radiology, neurology, psychiatry and endocrinology) and short degree courses for radiology technician and physical therapists.
He has participated as a lecturer and organized dozens of conferences and CME courses.

Specialist in

  • Radiodiagnostics


Areas of Research


ADI – Integrated Home Care

Prevention packages