Dr. Ruffolo is a Neurophysiologist with expertise on the study of muscle and neuronal GABA-A, GABA-B, nicotinic receptors, applied to the study of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission, basic mechanisms of experimental epileptology and muscle neurophysiology and its alteration in human pathologies (ALS, myasthenia gravis) The techniques used are those typical of experimental neurophysiology: two-electrodevoltageclamp recording, patch clamp recording and single channelanalysis , field potential recordings and analysis on brain slices. He also actively collaborates with several research groups of relevant national and international importance, including:University of Rome “Sapienza” (Prof. Eleonora Palma, Prof. Cristina Limatola); University of Amsterdam (University Medical Center), Prof. Eleonora Aronica; Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Lisbon (Portugal, Prof. Ana Sebastião). Dr. Ruffolo has authored 32 scientific publications and currently has an h-index of 13 (472 citations).