Doctors > Tamanti Natalia

Tamanti Natalia

Dr. Natalia Tamanti is an ophthalmologist at San Raffaele Termini Outpatient Clinic.

He performs the following services at San Raffaele Termini Outpatient Clinic.

  • Eye examinations;
  • tonometry;
  • ocular fundus;
  • corneal pachymetry;
  • Schirmer’s test;
  • naso- lacrimal duct specillation;
  • Ishihara test;
  • exophthalmometry;
  • Computerized visual field;
  • Corneal topography;
  • OCT (optical coherence tomography).

He obtained a Specialization in Ophthalmology University of Rome “La Sapienza” (grade 70/70 cum laude), discussing the thesis “Experimental study on ocular side effects of lenticular photo fragmentation performed with Nd:YLF, Picosecond laser” (Supervisor Prof. C. Balacco-Gabrieli).

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery University of Rome “La Sapienza” (with grade 110/110 cum laude), discussing the thesis “Comparative clinical study on artificial lens implants in anterior and posterior chambers” (Supervisor Prof. A. Missiroli).

Specialist in

  • Ophthalmology



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