Dr. Natalia Tamanti is an ophthalmologist at San Raffaele Termini Outpatient Clinic.
Dr. Natalia Tamanti is an ophthalmologist at San Raffaele Termini Outpatient Clinic.
He performs the following services at San Raffaele Termini Outpatient Clinic.
He obtained a Specialization in Ophthalmology University of Rome “La Sapienza” (grade 70/70 cum laude), discussing the thesis “Experimental study on ocular side effects of lenticular photo fragmentation performed with Nd:YLF, Picosecond laser” (Supervisor Prof. C. Balacco-Gabrieli).
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery University of Rome “La Sapienza” (with grade 110/110 cum laude), discussing the thesis “Comparative clinical study on artificial lens implants in anterior and posterior chambers” (Supervisor Prof. A. Missiroli).