ADI – Integrated Home Care – Cassino

Integrated Home Care, also called by the acronym ADI, is a care formula dedicated to the elderly and all people who are not self-sufficient. It is a service, accredited with the National Health System, that aims to assist and contribute to the care and improvement of the quality of life of frail people at home. Indeed, one’s own home is the ideal environment for preserving and stimulating residual autonomy abilities precisely because of the presence of the network of relatives, friends and caregivers who, habitually, surround the caregiver in normal daily life. TheADI San Raffaele Cassino , in fact, by taking care of the patient, aims to meet the demand for medical, nursing, physiotherapy, speech therapy, psychological-psychotherapeutic and social assistance services as required by the Individualized Care Plan (IAP) defined for the patient.

How to apply for ADI

To apply for ADI, one must meet the requirements of the regulations. Those who have lost self-sufficiency, either permanently or for a long period, are eligible for ADI. Those who can no longer walk, or who are totally dependent on a third figure, who are older than 65 years of age, and who have the ability to activate home-based interventions due to the presence of at least one family member/caregiver to help the caregiver with some bureaucratic aspects.

The request can start with the general practitioner, but can also be made by a hospital specialist, or on the hospital discharge letter.

The application is reviewed by the UVM, Multidimensional Assessment Unit, which draws up the PAI (Individualized Care Plan), with the program and treatment suitable for the patient. A program where the necessary specialists and therapeutic modalities to be implemented towards the beneficiary are specified.

From that moment, the Home Care Center (CAD) of the ASL of the patient’s residence, will instruct the company chosen by the patient (among the various accredited firms), in our case the ADI of S. Raffaele Cassino, to begin the actual taking care of the patient and the services provided in the PAI.

To view the facility’s documents see the Transparent Administration section.
