ADI – Integrated Home Care – Nepi Nursing Home

The Service, by authorization no. G02851 dated 11/03/2022, is accredited by Council Resolution no. 189 of 5/22/2023.


It is a service that aims to assist and contribute to the care and improvement of the quality of life of frail people at home. Indeed, one’s own home is the ideal environment for preserving and stimulating residual autonomy abilities precisely because of the presence of the network of relatives, friends and caregivers who, habitually, surround the caregiver in normal daily life. In fact, ADIs, by taking care of the assisted person, aim to support and sustain the family network that normally supports him or her.

ADI LEVEL I Aimed at patients with mild to moderate functional impairment, with loss of individual abilities and partial level of autonomy in activities of daily living. The complexity of care is medium-low, and the required interventions are targeted to specific social and health problems.

ADI LEVEL II Aimed at patients with a picture of global impairment that can go as far as total dependence, with an unstable course of health conditions, characterized by alternating phases of worsening and improvement with the possibility of rebalancing of some functions following drug therapies and/or extensive rehabilitation interventions.

HIGH INTENSITY ADI Aimed at patients with a picture of severe or very severe functional impairment and total dependence in daily activities, requiring frequent and constant medical-specialist and nursing interventions, with high complexity of care. Care integrates the intervention of specialized professionals with the management of patient-supporting technologies and the provision of therapeutic aids.

Methods of access

Access to ADI is through a request forwarded to the patient’s ASL of residence, which authorizes the relevant intake.

The patient has the right to choose the Facility providing the services. The waiting list is managed by ASL Viterbo.
