Child Developmental Disabilities – IRCCS San Raffaele

The Department of Pediatric and Child Developmental Disabilities Rehabilitation specializes in the intensive post-acute rehabilitation (Cod 56) of children, adolescents, or young adults, primarily in the post-operative stages (functional orthopedic surgery or children’s neurosurgery) or who require intensive rehabilitation cycles due to a clinical worsening of their underlying disability.

Inpatient Rehabilitation
Accredited with the National Health System

Characteristic of the Department is the ability to access it “by diagnosis,” regardless of age, thus being able to accommodate even young adults and adults with developmental disabilities (always with the accompaniment of a parent or care-giver), for whom traditional rehabilitation wards may not be suitable.
Rehabilitation interventions are carried out with both individual gymnasium activities and technological rehabilitation pathways including an innovative pediatric exoskeleton.
This multidisciplinary rehabilitation model can also rely on the Institute’s support for excellence in laboratory diagnostics, radiology (RX, ultrasound, MRI and CT) and neurophysiology (EEG, EEG Holter, EMG, evoked potentials) and a Gait Analysis Laboratory, for the study of movement.

TheDepartmental Team is composed for the medical part of a pediatrician/cardiologist-pediatrician in charge, a physiatrist and a neurologist, and has the option of specialized consultations (child neuropsychiatrist, ophthalmologist, ENT, endocrinologist, pulmonologist, dermatologist), the rehabilitation staff includes physiotherapists/rehabilitation therapists, developmental neuropsychomotricists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, and psychologists, with specific experience and training in developmental disabilities, and a nursing team experienced in rehabilitation care and nursing in developmental disabilities.
In cases of such severity or complexity that require special interventions or diagnostic tests, the center is connected with the most advanced national and international surgical or specialized institutions.
After hospitalization, families with children with developmental disabilities need continuous contact with the rehabilitation center over time, which is why a Telemedicine Service has been activated.
