Long-term medical operating unit (code 60) – Nepi Nursing Home

The O.U. of Medical Long Term Care has the following. n. 20 beds, accredited with the Regional Health System By Resolution no. November 30, 2023, no. 826 L.r. 4/2003 as amended and R.r. 20/2019. It is a care regimen designed to receive patients from acute medical or surgical inpatient stays with unstable clinical pictures who need relevant health care treatment, also in order to identify the most appropriate subsequent pathways.

Long-term care specifically serves the allocation of complex/ frail patients who need to undergo an ongoing recovery and/or rehabilitation and/or stabilization program, with defined diagnosis and treatment plans.

The medical long-term care unit is configured as a transitional facility in which the length of stay must be less than 60 days.

The Medical Long Term Care Unit is located on the second floor of the Nursing Home.

Methods of access

The request for admission must be made by the physician in the hospital department transferring the patient and must state the reasons indicating admission to Long Term Care.
The request must subsequently be validated by the medical director of the Long Term Care Unit.
Therefore, the request for admission will be forwarded to ASL VT for inclusion on the waiting list.

Health benefits provided

The Post Acute Care Medical Long Term Care Unit provides medical and possibly rehabilitative interventions.

Nepi Nursing Home provides continuous 24-hour medical supervision, nursing care and possible rehabilitation treatment.

Welfare treatment is usually carried out within a period of 60 days after admission to the facility. Nepi Nursing Home offers the specialized radiology, cardiology, urology, neurology, internist and ophthalmology consultations and all those necessary for the type of patients.

To access admission, simply contact the Inpatient Admissions Office at 0761 528123 and 0761 528140, which will provide all relevant information for admission to the Facility.
