Medicine – Cassino

The UOC of Internal Medicine at St. Raphael’s Cassino is an inpatient and treatment facility for major diseases of internist relevance that operates under accreditation with the National Health System.

The following diseases are then specifically diagnosed and treated in said Unit :

  • Cardiovascular decompensation ( dilated cardiomyopathies, congenital and acquired valvulopathies), complex arrhythmias, metabolic heart disease, hypertensive heart disease.
  • Relapsed chronic respiratory diseases including infectious overlaps
  • Diabetes and its visceral and peripheral complications.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( especially Chronic Inflammatory Intestinal Diseases).
  • Acute and chronic pancreatic pathology.
  • Chronic liver diseases ( especially cirrhosis of the liver and its complications : ascites, porto-systemic encephalopathy, hepato-renal syndrome, HepatoCellular Carcinoma)
  • Endocrine-metabolic disorders ( Hypo/hyperthyroidisms, hypothalamic-pituitary axis pathology, neuro-endocrine neoplasms)

The study and treatment of this broad spectrum of pathologies is made possible by the skills and specializations of the medical staff and the possibility of performing the following diagnostic tests within the UOC:

  • Internist Ultrasound
  • Echocardiography
  • 24-hour Holter ECG
  • Venous Arterial Echo-Color-Doppler

The OU performs outpatient activities for requests for internist visits from Colleagues in the area, for the selection of patients to be listed for elective hospitalization, and for post-discharge follow-up of already hospitalized patients.

For investigations that cannot be performed within our facility, organic collaborative relationships are in place with Gastroenterology , Pneumology and Cardiology at Cassino Hospital and with Gastroenterology at Frosinone Hospital.
