Neuromotor Rehabilitation – IRCCS San Raffaele

TheNeuromotor Rehabilitation Unit, which is accredited with the National Health System, is geared toward the treatment of individuals who have reported alterations in nerve function due to vascular, degenerative, traumatic and neoplastic diseases.

Orthopedic rehabilitation is mainly for trauma patients, hip and knee replacement wearers. Patients under Day Hospital treatment are guaranteed the same services provided by the contracted inpatient nursing home.
In addition to the specific diagnostic and therapeutic treatment plans, the protocols also provide modalities related to the general medical care the patient needs so that effective coordination can be achieved for the purpose of continuity of treatment.

The following conditions are treated at theNeuromotor Rehabilitation Operating Unit:

  • cerebral vasculopathies (the stroke)
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • multiple sclerosis special cases of operated nonprogressive brain tumors
  • polyneuropathies polyradiculonevritis (inflammatory and noninflammatory)
  • bone fractures (particularly fracture of femur and pelvis)
  • the severe arthroses
  • hip and knee replacements
  • Medullary, radicular and truncular lesions

Specific scales are adopted to measure dependence, pain, trunk control, and autonomy in daily life. The incidence of neurological cases to be rehabilitated is very high, with the most frequent being cases of recent cerebral stroke. Various recent rehabilitation techniques have been adopted such as:

  • those based on learning
  • the Bobath method
  • kabat’s method
  • the kinematic shortening
  • Grimaldi’s method.
