Neuromotor Rehabilitation – Sulmona

TheNeuromotor Rehabilitation Operating Unit, accredited with the Regional Health System, focuses on the functional recovery of patients with outcomes of neurological, orthopedic and pulmonological diseases.

The San Raffaele Sulmona Treatment Center also signed an agreement with theUniversity of L’Aquila to consolidate research and assistance activities in the field of neuromotor rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation activities

  • neuromotor rehabilitation, a process through which individuals who have suffered ischemic-hemorrhagic, autoimmune, degenerative brain damage or traumatic spinal injury are treated in order to achieve the autonomies defined by the patient’s potential;



  • orthopedic rehabilitation, aimed at those individuals who, due to trauma or degenerative diseases, have undergone joint replacement or who, due to arthrotic manifestations, are in a condition of severe myoarticular deficit.
  • respiratory rehabilitation geared toward rehabilitative treatment and highly specialized diagnostic-therapeutic interventions for the care of patients with lung function impairment


High technology is accompanied by the quality and seriousness of professionals and a standard of services dedicated to each individual need.
