Psychiatric Residential Facility – Monte Compatri

Dedicated to patients with mental distress in both acute and stabilized forms, the Psychiatric Residential Facility, accredited with the National Regional System, offers the possibility of curative and rehabilitative pathways of residential type. The multidisciplinary team works through pharmacological treatment, psychological interventions (from mere support to brief psychotherapies depending on the patient’s resources) and social work.

The set of interventions aims to promote the overall rehabilitation of the psychiatric patient and the implementation of personalized projects. Music therapy, theater and cine therapy activities are carried out.

Mode of admission to psychiatric residential facility

After a patient’s declaration of readiness for admission by the referring facility, the Admissions Office arranges for a fax to be sent to the patient’s referring physician in which news about the patient’s clinical status, treatment plan, and ongoing or planned social plan is requested.

The completed document is brought to the attention of the inpatient manager (Medical Director/Principal) and to the social worker in cases where this is necessary. Having assessed the clinical condition and any social situation, the patient is placed on the waiting list. The above list follows the chronological criterion. The Admissions Office then contacts the patient or his or her referrals to inform them of the time and date of admission.

Admission is preferably scheduled in the morning, except in exceptional cases dependent on the patient’s availability.
The user, whether coming from another health care facility or directly from home, must bring the prescription for admission in an “acute” state filled by the referring or sending psychiatrist of the SPDC with them upon admission.
