RSA – Rose of Marganai

RSA Rosa del Marganai, accredited with the Regional Health System, has a total of 135 beds.

Nursing Home

120 beds divided by the following care profiles:

  • R1 care profile: aimed at patients with a high level of complexity who need vital function support (invasive and noninvasive assisted mechanical ventilation, prolonged over 24 hours) and continuity of care with prompt medical availability and 24-hour nursing presence;

Patients with such conditions are admitted to the high-intensity health care core, which is equipped with a monitoring system that allows complete visualization of current data, patient history and all information of interest through the use of multiple independent operational displays. Patients are cared for by a multidisciplinary team whose head is the resuscitation physician and anesthesiologist.

  • R2 care profile: aimed at patients who require high health protection and extensive care treatments (vegetative states or prolonged minimally conscious states, people on enteral or prolonged parenteral nutrition, people with advanced progressive neurodegenerative diseases, tracheostomy carriers, including those on non-protracted mechanical ventilation, etc.), with continuity of care and 24-hour nursing presence;

  • R3A care profile: aimed at people with a high level of non-self-sufficiency, with clinical impairment and multiple and complex therapies, moderately stable or moderately unstable in the stage of compensation who, however, need a personalized project for further stabilization and recovery of functions and activities of daily living

  • R3D care profile: aimed at patients with dementia in whom cognitive impairment is associated with behavioral and/or affective disorders that require pharmacological treatment and constant monitoring

  • R3B care profile: aimed at non-self-sufficient, clinically stable people with minimal impairment, requiring long-stay health and/or rehabilitation-type treatment.

Patients are cared for by a multidisciplinary team that ensures the most appropriate and effective individualized medical, nursing and rehabilitation care plans are established according to advanced guidelines and protocols.
