We make our services more accessible through telemedicine, offering high-quality consultations from anywhere.
Telemedicine represents one of the most advanced and promising frontiers within the health care services offered by the San Raffaele Group: a modern approach to patient care that takes advantage of the latest technologies to provide remote medical care, ensuring continuity and quality of care.
Our telemedicine services make it possible to maintain constant contact with patients after their discharge, offering the possibility of direct interactions from home with specialists who have followed the hospital pathway. The platform makes it possible to schedule outpatient follow-up activities and provide constant supervision of the patient’s condition.
Telemedicine provides many benefits, including reducing the need for patients to travel, especially for those who reside in remote areas or have mobility difficulties. It also ensures prompt clinical response and constant monitoring of health conditions, as well as promoting optimal adherence to personalized treatment plans.
Through telemedicine, San Raffaele Group takes a patient-centered approach, ensuring that everyone can benefit from a personalized and continuous rehabilitation pathway, even from home. This care model is supported by a multidisciplinary team that follows the patient throughout his or her entire course of care, from hospital stay to home rehabilitation.