3D Mammography with Tomosynthesis

At theIRCCS San Raffaele and the San Raffaele Termini Outpatient Clinic there is a 3D Mammography with Tomosynthesis – MAMMOMAT Inspiration PRIME Edition – Siemens, equipped with technology Progressive Reconstruction Intelligently Minimizing Exposure, an intelligent software solution that provides dose savings of up to 30 percent and very high image quality.


What is Mammography and what is it used for?

Mammography is the main examination related to breast diagnostics. Performed at regular time intervals, it is considered a preventive examination, as it can safeguard a woman’s health and breast integrity. It is an examination performed in the radiology outpatient department that can accurately detect the occurrence of nodules related to the presence of a tumor.

Benefits of 3D Mammography with Tomosynthesis

Three-dimensional mammography with tomosynthesis, makes it possible to reduce exposure time and even radiation dose to the point of customization through an algorithm, producing excellent quality images.

It is a quantum leap that allows for greater clarity of results and a higher detection rate, even in cases of high mammary gland density.


  • Dose saving up to 30% , uncompromised image quality
  • Exceptional comfort for patients
  • Exceptional speed.
  • True Tomo Innovation

When to perform it?

The frequency of performing mammography, varies depending on the age and certain risk factors of the patient. In general:

  • between the ages of 35 and 40, the exam has very low accuracy and could be replaced by a breast ultrasound. It can be very helpful, however, in the presence of the risk factors such as predisposition to oncological diseases;
  • by age 49, mammography should be performed once every 12 months;
  • after age 50, the examination becomes extremely important and should be performed every 24 months.

Are there any standards for exam preparation?

Mammography reports no particular risks or contraindications. It has a very short run time and may create only mild discomfort during breast compression, between the plates of the equipment. Moreover, the benefit given by the diagnostic test, is calculated to far outweigh any risks associated with x-rays.

Preparation for mammography does not involve any special precautions on the part of the patient in anticipation of the diagnostic examination. It is also performed in the presence of breast implants and, in general, is not recommended to be performed during the period of the menstrual cycle as it may be more painful.

Rome Ultrasound Preparation. For more details, download the general file on diagnostic test preparation.

How to book

Book your mammogram in Rome now:

Call the CUP at 06 5225 2555

