Marganai Rose

Useful information


Marganai Rose

Via Gen. C.A. Dalla Chiesa, 1 - 09016 - Iglesias (CI)

Centralino: +39 0781 2761
Monday to Saturday – 09:00 / 18:00

fax 0781 276405
Uff. Accettazione: interested persons can request information from the Office of Acceptance. The Staff of the Office provides the information inherent in the process related to the Guest’s placement in the Residence; the Staff of the said Office is also available to accompany those interested in visiting the Facility.

Signing of the Contract and Rules of Procedure is required at the entrance. The Contract with the R.S.A. establishes that the signatory, assuming the quality of Guarantor, becomes the responsible and privileged interlocutor vis-à-vis the Facility, both for the aspects of Privacy, as well as with regard to economic-financial aspects.

Reception hours are as follows: Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Visitors’ entrance
Daily: 10:00 am – 11:30 am | 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm
In the case of critical situations, the nighttime presence of the family member is allowed with management’s permission.

Collection of Reports

Residenza Sanitaria Assistenziale Rosa del Marganai is located in the eastern part of Iglesias, on Via Generale Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, a street that communicates with Viale Villa di Chiesa that connects with the SS130.

From Cagliari:

  • drive along SS 130 until km 50, exit Iglesias, turn right at the traffic circle that leads to the locality Funtanamarzu and drive the detour for 500 meters


From Oristano:

  • Follow southbound SS126 until you reach Iglesias. Head east of the city toward Villa di Chiesa Ave.


By public transportation:

  • From Cagliari, by train, stop at Iglesias FS station, 1 km from the R.S.A.