Medica Group

Useful information


Medica Group

Via Federico Calabresi, 27 - 00169 - Rome

Centralino: +39 06 232598500
Fax: +39 06 232598519

Complaint Reporting
Complaint can be sent through the following ways:

Come Raggiungerci

CAR: from the Grande Raccordo Anulare exit 18, at the traffic light cross the tracks and continue to the first right, turn back to the hospital

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: Metro C, Torre Maura stop.


Hospitalization is for those users who, after the acute phase is over, need extended inpatient treatment before returning to their homes.


Protected discharge and continuity of care

Continuity of care

The pathway is aimed at ensuring continuity of care for the patient through active collaboration between the hospital and Medica Group. After activation by the hospital facility, a doctor will meet with the patient and after assessing the clinical situation will decide with the patient on the most suitable care pathway(home care or hospice).