San Raffaele Monte Compatri

Useful information


San Raffaele Monte Compatri

Via di San Silvestro, 67 - 00077 Monte Compatri (RM)

Centralino: +39 06 947811+ 39 0652253291
Monday to Friday – 08:00 / 18:00
Fax: 06 94781251 – 06 5225 5697
CUP: Only reservations for outpatient services: +39 06 5225 3291 | +39 06 5225 3535
URP: There is also a Public Relations Office (PRO) at the Facility dedicated to listening and welcoming people.

Specifically, the OPR is concerned with:

  • Adapt, where possible, the Facility and health care services to the needs of the User;

  • To survey satisfaction with the way ancillary health services are delivered;

  • receive complaints from Users

Contact information and hours

For in-person interviews, it is advisable to book an appointment at e-mail:
Uff. Ricoveri: +39 06 9478 1233
Fax admissions: 06 52255517
Servizio Assistenza Sociale: The User is followed by the Facility staff at every stage of his stay at San Raffaele Montecompatri so that all his needs can be met and the services provided are efficient and functional. In particular, the Social Work Service accompanies, supports, and orients the User and his or her family members in preparation for discharge.

A social worker is present at the office with whom an in-person appointment can be scheduled.

+39 06 9478 1208
Monday – Friday: 09:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

The social worker receives at 67 San Silvestro Street (ask at the switchboard).


Please refer to the information in each Department under ‘Departments and Services’ for visiting hours.


How to Reach Us

From the Rome Ring Road:

  • Directions to Naples. After the Roma Sud exit, take the Monte Porzio Catone exit and drive up to Montecompatri, which is about 4 km from the highway exit.
  • Drive along the SS Tuscolana and, after passing through some towns (Vermicino, Frascati, Monte Porzio C.), you will reach Montecompatri in a few minutes.


By public transportation:

  • Railroad: Rome-Velletri section.
  • Metro A: Anagnina stop. Continue by Co.Tral means.


San Raffaele Montecompatri offers inpatient and day-hospital care

METHODS OF RECREATION (ordinary and day hospital)
Contact the admissions office

phone 06 5225 3233
fax 06 94781251

Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.


It is possible to download admission forms directly from our website.
The form should be completed by the home hospital, i.e., the attending physician; applications without the signature, stamp and telephone number of the physician will not be accepted.


Applications for hospitalization are evaluated within 24/48 hours of request. The outcome (acceptance, request for further clarification, non-acceptance), will then be faxed to the requesting hospital, and if the application for admission is accepted, the patient will be immediately contacted by the admission office.



The commitment of San Raffaele Montecompatri is to ensure the most appropriate care for the Patient, in accordance with the criteria for access to the Treatment Center. The request for rehabilitation hospitalization is promptly evaluated by medical specialists based on the clinical documentation submitted. The waiting list is managed transparently, based on the order in which applications are submitted, in accordance with the appropriateness criteria stipulated in current regulations


Whether coming from another health care facility or directly from home, upon admission the User should bring with him/her:

  • Identity Document
  • Health card, issued by the local health authority to which you belong
  • Tax Code
  • Clinical documentation including previous admissions to other hospitals and copies of recent examinations
  • Discharge letter (if from another health care facility)
  • Commitment for admission from the attending physician (in case it comes from home)


Download the hospice admission form

Download the unique transfer request form*.


*Tosupplement and clarify, please note that the “single form for transfer request” constitutes the only document validated by the Lazio Region (Annex A) and therefore is the only form to be used for the request for admission to Post Acute Care Intensive Rehabilitation Cod 56.

It seems clear that requests for admission to DH (Day Hospital), i.e., day hospitalization in Post Acute Care Intensive Rehabilitation Cod. 56, should also be formalized by the GP on that form.