
Angiology is devoted to the study of blood circulation in the body. Checks the anatomical integrity of arterial and venous vessels and studies their function.

Suitable for

The main diseases under the angiologist’s expertise are thrombophlebitis, cerebral ischemia, varicose veins and capillaries of the lower limbs, arteriopathy of the lower limbs (called the “window disease”), abdominal aortic aneurysm, vertiginous syndrome, Raynaud’s phenomenon or disease, vasculitis and ulcers of the lower limbs, and problems related to the functioning of lymphatic vessels with edema formation. In addition, angiology is interested in the study of the vasculature of the male genital system and in particular the arterial vasculature in case of erection disorders and the venous vasculature for varicocele research.

The angiology examination makes use of a thorough history and clinical examination that will give an indication as to whether or not and when an instrumental examination (echocolordoppler) to study the vasculature of a given district is needed and when. A definite diagnosis can then be made and precise indications given as to the type of treatment to be given, medical or surgical.

The patient generally sees the angiologist specialist on the advice of the treating physician. Sometimes the indication may come from other specialists or by independent decision in the case of frequently encountered pathologies with striking clinical evidence (e.g., lower extremity varices).

The angiologist is at your side to solve health problems related to the malfunctioning of one or more vascular districts of your body, through a certain diagnosis and useful advice on the therapy to be followed, whether medical or surgical. It will , also, be at your side to follow, over time, the evolution of those vascular diseases that, although characterized by inherent chronicity , can nevertheless be well treated and controlled. Finally, the role exerted by the angiologist specialist in preventing diseases that can result in acute events that are sometimes fatal or highly disabling (Stroke, complications of aneurysms, gangrenes, etc.) should not be overlooked.

Visits and Examinations

  • Specialist Angiologic Examination
  • Angiologic checkup
  • Supraaortic trunk echo(color)doppler
  • Arterial echo(color)doppler of the lower extremities
  • Arterial echo(color)doppler of the upper extremities
  • Venous echo(color)doppler of the lower extremities
  • Venous echo(color)doppler of the upper extremities
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Carboxytherapy
  • Oxygen therapy

Examination packages are available for a comprehensive Angiologic Check Up and to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Responsible physicians

Responsabile di IRCCS San Raffaele
Responsabile di San Raffaele Monte Compatri


Medical Specialists