St. Raphael Cassino

Legale Rappresentante

Direttore Operativo

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Direttore Sanitario

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The St. Raphael Cassino is part of the San Raffaele S.p.A., a leading company in the national health care landscape in the rehabilitation field, where it carries out multidisciplinary and specialized care, taking care of the study and research of the most advanced models of intervention under accreditation with the National Health System.

  • Hospice  | 
  • Lungodegenza  | 
  • Medicina  | 
  • Poliambulatori  | 
  • Riabilitazione

Gli ambulatori
della struttura


CUP – Centro Unico Prenotazione

Dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8:00 alle 19:00.
Sabato dalle 8:00 alle 13:00

+39 06 5225 3535

St. Raphael Cassino

Via G. Di Biasio, 1 - 03043 - Cassino (FR)
Centralino: +39 0776 3941
Reception: 0776 394 715
CUP: Reservations for examinations and diagnostic tests:
Tel: +39 06 5225 3535 – FAX: 0776 394403
Monday – Friday from 07:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday from 07:00/19:00

Visitors’ entrance
Morning: from 12: 15 – 1:00 p.m.
Afternoon: from 5:0o – 6:30 pm